The A.R.C team speaks to LBB about bringing to life Mailchimp's new stop-motion animation series 'All in a Day's Work' - Series Two. Read the full article on Little Black Book here.

The comedic series chronicles the highs, lows, and "sometimes-painful realities of life as an entrepreneur or small business owner." The resonance of these narratives is attributed to the relentless dedication and hard work of acclaimed live-action and animation director Effie Pappa, alongside the production team at A.R.C.
"Stop motion imitates imaginary worlds with materials and textures borrowed from our real world. When we as human beings create worlds in our imagination, we think in colours, shapes, textures, and objects’ physical properties and light – similar to our real world., Effie says, "that’s why I believe stop motion is so close to that, and yet so real."

A.R.C: "Initially, our instinct was to streamline storytelling setups to quickly dive into the narrative. However, upon reviewing our initial animatics and appreciating the tactile richness of our world, we realized the importance of slowing down the pace, allowing the story to unfold more organically."Each character was created upon inspiration from real-life individuals, and each narrative has its own specific charm. The films touch the hearts of audience members with their authentic representation complex human emotions and seemingly mundane real life events.
To see the full suite of films, head over to Mailchimp Presents, and for more of Effie Pappa's stop frame, 2D animated and live action work, her directors page can be seen here.